Here are a few tips for study skills that might come
in handy during this school year: (Taken from the "Journal for
Christian Educators")
Schedule a daily homework time - This should be 30 minutes to an hour a day.
Be sure that your child knows that this time is devoted to only academics such
as practice or review of a subject.
Set up a proper study area - Select a study area that is well-lit and free
from distractions.
Create a homework survival kit - Use a container or shoebox to store some of
these items: pencils, writing paper, folders for reports, index cards,
crayons, ruler, glue, markers, stapler, tape, dictionary, paper clips, scissors.
Return homework on time - Returning homework assignments on the day they are due goes
a long way in developing responsible students. Be aware of the homework policy.
Do homework independently - Homework is an extended school assignment that students
are expected to complete on their own. You may only give guidance to your child.