Section 1: Rough Draft: National Facts


Pictures: 1 each of the national flower, bird, tree, fruit, flag, emblem/coat of arms; 6 from around the country; physical and political maps of country


Write two sentences telling the name of the flower and why it was chosen: ___________




Write two sentences telling the name of the bird and why it was chosen: _____________




Write two sentences telling the name of the tree and why it was chosen: _____________




Write two sentences telling the name of the fruit and why it was chosen: _____________




What is the national motto? ________________________________________________



What is the title of the national anthem? _______________________________________

Who wrote the words to the national anthem? ___________________________________

When was it adopted as the national anthem? ___________________________________

Write 2 verses of the national anthem: (Be sure to write it the same way the book does.)















What do 3 of the parts of the national emblem/coat of arms stand for? _______________






Be sure to have your political and physical maps in your folder.





Section 2 Rough Draft: History

Pictures: 1 of an early settlement

What is the name of this early settlement? ____________________________________

When was the settlement founded? __________________________________________


Who founded this settlement? _______________________________________________


Why was the settlement founded? ____________________________________________


Is this settlement still important today? Why? __________________________________



Write 20 important dates and events of your country in chronological order:


0-100 AD



100-200 AD  


200-300 AD  


300-400 AD  


400-500 AD  


500-600 AD  


600-700 AD  


700-800 AD  


800-900 AD  


900-1000 AD  


1000-1100 AD  


1100-1200 AD  


1200-1300 AD  


1300-1400 AD  


1400-1500 AD  


1500-1600 AD  


1600-1700 AD  


1700-1800 AD  


1800-1900 AD  


1900-2000 AD  









Section 3 Rough Draft: Famous People

You will find a person from your country for each category (Military Leader, Musician, Artist, Politician, Scientist/Inventor and Athlete) and answer the questions about the person and his/her significance to your country.

Pictures: One for each person.

Name of a Military Leader: ________________________________________________

When did this person live? _________________________________________________

Where did this person live? _________________________________________________

What 2 important things did this person do for your country? Why is this person famous?





Name of a Musician: ______________________________________________________

When did this person live? _________________________________________________

Where did this person live? _________________________________________________

What 2 important things did this person do for your country? Why is this person famous?





Name of an Artist: _______________________________________________________

When did this person live? _________________________________________________

Where did this person live? _________________________________________________

What 2 important things did this person do for your country? Why is this person famous?





Name of a Politician: _____________________________________________________

When did this person live? _________________________________________________

Where did this person live? _________________________________________________

What 2 important things did this person do for your country? Why is this person famous?





Name of a Scientist/Inventor: ______________________________________________

When did this person live? _________________________________________________

Where did this person live? _________________________________________________

What 2 important things did this person do for your country? Why is this person famous?





Name of an Athlete: ______________________________________________________

When did this person live? _________________________________________________

Where did this person live? _________________________________________________

What 2 important things did this person do for your country? Why is this person famous?






































Section 4 Rough Draft: Famous Landmarks

You will be answering questions about 5 different landmarks in your country. These landmarks ARE NOT geographical features. Man has built these.

Pictures: One for each landmark.

1) Name a famous landmark: ________________________________________________

Where is it found in your country? ___________________________________________


Why was it built? ________________________________________________________




Is it still in good condition? Has it been renovated? Can people visit? ________________





2) Name a famous landmark: ________________________________________________

Where is it found in your country? ___________________________________________


Why was it built? ________________________________________________________




Is it still in good condition? Has it been renovated? Can people visit? ________________





3) Name a famous landmark: ________________________________________________

Where is it found in your country? ___________________________________________


Why was it built? ________________________________________________________




Is it still in good condition? Has it been renovated? Can people visit? ________________





4) Name a famous landmark: ________________________________________________

Where is it found in your country? ___________________________________________


Why was it built? ________________________________________________________




Is it still in good condition? Has it been renovated? Can people visit? ________________





5) Name a famous landmark: ________________________________________________

Where is it found in your country? ___________________________________________


Why was it built? ________________________________________________________




Is it still in good condition? Has it been renovated? Can people visit? ________________

















Section 5 Rough Draft: Government/People

Pictures: 2 of the capital city, 1 of the capitol building, 1 of the national leader, 1 of the monarch if still existing, money

What is the capital of your country? __________________________________________

When did it become the capital? _____________________________________________

What is the name of the national leader? ______________________________________

What type of government does your country have? ______________________________

What are the constitutional bodies of government and what is the main responsibility of each?








Does a monarchy still exist? If so, who is the reigning person and what types of powers does this person have in government?





What is the population of your country? _______________________________________

What is the national currency? _____________________________________

List 5 other major cities: ___________________________________________________

What are the main religions? ________________________________________________

What is the official language(s)? _____________________________________________

Describe the education system of your country in a paragraph. Who goes to school? Is it voluntary? What are the educational levels? Etc.








** Write out the recipe you will be making for your country**

























Section 6 Rough Draft: Land and Resources

Pictures: One for each geographical land feature

Temperature Averages:

  Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec.

The average rainfall for my country is: ______________________________


You will find 5 geographical landmarks (nature) and answer these questions:

1) Name a geographical landmark: ___________________________________________

2) Where is it found in your country? _________________________________________

3) What makes this landmark so spectacular? ___________________________________



1) Name a geographical landmark: ___________________________________________

2) Where is it found in your country? _________________________________________

3) What makes this landmark so spectacular? ___________________________________



1) Name a geographical landmark: ___________________________________________

2) Where is it found in your country? _________________________________________

3) What makes this landmark so spectacular? ___________________________________



1) Name a geographical landmark: ___________________________________________

2) Where is it found in your country? _________________________________________

3) What makes this landmark so spectacular? ___________________________________



1) Name a geographical landmark: ___________________________________________

2) Where is it found in your country? _________________________________________

3) What makes this landmark so spectacular? ___________________________________



What borders your state? ___________________________________________________

What are the main crops? ___________________________________________________

What are the main metals produced? __________________________________________









Section 7 Rough Draft: National Industry

Pictures: 1 of each industry

Name of Industry        
Description or Definition
Date industry became important        
How is it produced, made, etc?
Why is it important?
How is it used?
Where is it found?
Has it ever been depleted? If yes, when?
Place of production in the world: 1st, 2nd, etc        

Section 8 Rough Draft: National Recreation

Pictures: 5-6 of animals; 3-4 of sports teams and recreation; 2 different vacation spots


Try to find animals unique to your country:

Name 3 birds: ___________________________________________________________

Name 2 fish: ____________________________________________________________

Name 10 mammals: ______________________________________________________




Name 3 reptiles: __________________________________________________________



Write 3 sentences about a vacation spot: _______________________________________




Write 3 sentences about a vacation spot: _______________________________________




Write 3 sentences about a celebration in your country. What special things are done on this day? Why do they celebrate it?






Write 3 sentences about a celebration in your country. What special things are done on this day? Why do they celebrate it?







Extra Credit:

You may add more famous people, landmarks, or pictures than are asked for.

You can create a travel plan to your country. Where would you go and why? How long would stay? When would you go?




This is it!!! You made it!!! Finish your final draft and get it turned in. Good job!!! J