The Roman Tower Gate
The Roman Tower Gate
The Tower Gate and the nearby church
The Old Weavers House
The Old Weavers House
The Old Weavers House
The Cathedral seen through an alley
The Cathedral seen through an alley
The Cathedral seen through an alley
The Cathedral seen through an alley
The town streets
Two Roman swords found in a grave that
might have been dug by a murderer.
A park within the Roman walls. Look at the
maze and playground.
A tower atop the Roman wall
Scenes from atop the Roman wall
Scenes from atop the Roman wall
Scenes from atop the Roman wall
A tower on the Roman wall
Scenes from atop the Roman wall
Our shadows by the shadow of the tower
on the Roman wall.
To be kind of philosophical, our shadows
which are quite temporary are by the wall that
was built around 300 A.D.