Fifth Grade Country Report This week we will begin to work on the annual European Country Report. We will be honest with you. This is a HUGE project. However, your child will be working on this for four months. We have split the project into 8 sections. This will allow your child to work on a small amount of information at a time, instead of being overwhelmed with the whole. There will be some time in class given for the students to work on this project, but a lot of the work will be done at home. Students will be required to have their country report folders with them every day at school. Demerits will be given out for not being prepared if your child does not have the folder with him/her. There will be regular schoolwork on top of this project, so be prepared to do a little work on the project along the way. If your child procrastinates, this would be a good time to stay on top of the situation by checking assignment books everyday and helping your child study for tests. Put the due dates on your calendar and on the refrigerator so they will be seen on a regular basis. Your child will need a 1-inch, 3-ring binder for the written report. All information will be kept in this folder and the final reports will be in this binder when turned in. Your child will also need 9 dividers. These will help organize your child and the information for the project. The binder and dividers are due Friday, Jan. 10th. Your child will be filling in a rough draft packet from us. (It has been included in this packet of information.) This rough draft will be placed in the last section of the notebook. For each final draft, your child will use an erasable black pen to rewrite the information found into paragraph form on notebook paper. We will accept typed work, but your child must be the one who types the information, not you. We will be telling the students exactly which information goes with each paragraph. The written report will need a title page and a listing of all book titles used for information. If webpages are used for pictures and information, then those must be listed. Remember that all sources are listed in alphabetical order. This will be a shortened version of a bibliography. Please see the enclosed rubric so you and your child will know what we will be grading. There are 4 other parts for this project. One is a project board. This board can be found at most school supply stores. It has three sides so it can stand on a table. This is where all the pictures for the report will go. Just like the written report, your child will divide the board into 8 sections and place the pictures on the board in a creative way explaining what the pictures are. The board must have a title and your child’s name on it. This will be due the day of the extravaganza. The second is an oral report of 5 minutes. Your child has been assigned a day when he/she will present the information learned in 5 minutes. Your child will use note cards, only, for prompts. Practice this at home! The report can be no shorter than 4 minutes and 30 seconds and no longer than 5minutes and 30 seconds. Please see the enclosed rubric so you and your child will know what we will be grading. Information to include and the due dates are listed in this packet. The third part of the project is a costume. On the day of your child’s oral presentation and on the day of the extravaganza a costume reflecting the country studied will be worn. This costume may be reflective of the past or present. The fourth and final part of this project is food. On the day of the extravaganza, your child will need to bring in a prepared food for tasting. There should be enough prepared for the 25 fifth graders and for other students visiting the extravaganza. Remember that your child is only preparing a "taste" for people, not a meal. Cookies can be broken into pieces, etc. PLEASE allow your child to do as much of the cooking as he/she can. This is your child’s project, not yours. Oral Report Information: This information and explanations must be in the oral reportà name of country, motto, national emblem or coat of arms, earliest settlement, 3 important historical events, 2 important people, 2 landmarks, capital, national leader, type of government, religion, climate for May, 1 geographical landmark, main crop, main industry, 1 vacation spot and 1 celebration ***ALL OF THIS COMES FROM THE WRITTEN REPORT*** Here are the due dates for each written section: Section 1 Rough Draft: Jan. 14 Section 1 Final Draft: Jan. 17 Section 2 Rough Draft: Jan. 24 Section 2 Final Draft: Jan. 31 Section 3 Rough Draft: Feb. 7 Section 3 Final Draft: Feb. 13 Section 4 Rough Draft: Feb. 19 Section 4 Final Draft: Feb. 24 Section 5 Rough Draft: Mar. 3 Section 5 Final Draft: Mar. 7 Section 6 Rough Draft: Mar. 13 Section 6 Final Draft: Mar. 20 Section 7 Rough Draft: Mar. 28 Section 7 Final Draft: Apr. 4 Section 8 Rough Draft: Apr. 11 Sections 1-8 Final Drafts: May 2 Date of the European Extravaganza: May 2 ** Parents will be asked to leave by 8:45. ** On the morning of the extravaganza, please help your child bring in all the equipment needed. Your child will be given a spot in the auditorium with his/her name on the table. The board should be placed on the table. Food items must be placed in front of the board, as well as, your child’s written report. Remember that your child should be in costume this day, also. All equipment must go home the afternoon of the event. Backboards and written reports will stay for grading. ***Please let us know a week in advance if your child will need an outlet.