Magnificent Ground Pigeon
(Otidiphaps Nobilis)

Common Crowned Pigeon
(Goura Cristata)
Common Crowned Pigeon
Sarus Crane
(Grus Antigone)
Sarus Crane
Marabou Stork
(Leptoptilos Crumeniferus)
This has to be one of the ugliest birds. His
beak made this hollow clopping sound like
tapping a spoon against a hard plastic canister.
It was a hollow dead sound. Creepy bird.
And to think that these are the origin of
humanity. (You know, the stork bringing the
baby thing...) sorry.
Marabou Stork
I tried to get a picture of this guy without the
fence, but he stayed right beside it.
This is a different Marabou Stork.
Marabou Stork
King Vulture
(Sarcorhamphus Papa)
(Husbandus Nerdus)
People just jog through the zoo. It is free and
near their homes, so they jog.
Decorations for "Boo in the Zoo"
I think this skeleton is in a shower. The ADA
recommends that you keep all of your
bones clean!