"Boo in the Zoo" decorations
Victoria Water Lily
(Victoria Cruziana)

Victoria Water Lily

Victoria Water Lily

Victoria Water Lily

"Boo in the Zoo" decorations.
On the tombstones are the names of extinct
animals. There were several of these scenes
throughout the zoo.

"Boo in the Zoo" decorations.

"Boo in the Zoo" decorations.

You can ride your bike to the zoo!

If you come to the zoo, this is what you can eat
and pay. No gorillas or kangaroos are on the
zoo menu. They did have healthier food
available on the menu on some places we have

The National Zoo snack bar menu.

The National Zoo snack bar menu.

Black-tailed Prarie Dog
(Cynomys Ludovicianus)

Black-tailed Prairie Dog

Black-tailed Prairie Dog

Black-tailed Prairie Dog

Black-tailed Prairie Dog

The Lions' Lair

The Lion sleeps today. The sign said that a lion
will sleep 18 hours per day.

A Lion

Three magnificent tigers!



Casts of tiger paws

The tiger's paw compared to my wife's paw.

